Using trademark images does not imply any affiliation or endorsement on behalf of the copyright or trademark owner, with the non-profit association Butterflies, it simply implies the tools we use.
Free development tools
We only use free development tools for Butterflies peer-to-peer learning spaces, to make it easy for all group members to learn the same tools of the trade.
GitHub source code repositories, can be used to fork a copy of an existing open source project
Free Git user interfaces like Sourcetree, TortuiseGit or GitHub Desktop can sometimes be used instead of Git command line, but learning Git command line syntax is a required skill for any developer.
Visual Studio Code is great for most development, but for Unity game development or other more advanced C# development you need Visual Studio Community edition.
Create free Google mail account to use Google calendar, Google Meet video conference and Google Docs. video conference for hybrid meetings with echo cancelling for co-located participants. diagrams tool for flow charts, database diagrams, business canvas models and more project, workflow or task tracking for distributed teams