Code of conduct
Butterflies online communities has a diverse group of members from refugees, immigrants, people working at home to take care of sick children, vetarans with PTSD and people with autism.
Community members will have very different backgrounds and skill levels, but always remember you learn the most when you have to explain something to another person.
- Be patient and speak respectfully to other members
- Say directly what you mean, don't use irony
- Work at home and prepare for your weekly meetings
- Write your group members, if you are unable to meetup
- Have fun and create a safe space for everybody to speak freely
Transfer of copyright
You hereby transfer your copyright and grant full permission for anyone to use the code you develop in GitHub account owned by the non-profit Butterflies, if they in the past, present or future contributed to the same code.
This grant of full permission is time unlimited and continues to be in effect, after members leave the non-profit Butterflies.
If you want to build a commercial product based on your ideas and work in Butterflies communities, you must use Git fork to get your private copy of the shared source project in your own GitHub account.
The forked repository must be created as a private repository and you must keep and read all files with in the filename.
The Butterflies board can grant a commercial use license, for any member that wants to build their own product, if their use is not in violation with the terms under which the original owner donated the software.
The shared source code MUST however reside in a private repository in your own GitHub account and if you need to showcase your work you can link to or deploy your own copy anywhere.
The Butterflies community shared source project Storybook events is licensed under Mozilla Public License v2.0 (MPL), where changes to existing files belong to the original owner,
but you can develop new features in new files or folders, with any license you decide.
Even if you understand the MPL license, you MUST still get approval from the Butterflies board, before making your commercial product.
The Butterflies board confirms in writing that your commercial use, is not in violation with the terms under which the original owner donated the software.